Trip Leaders Going to the Lodge


Specific information for trip leaders going to the WTMC Lodge


For Scheduled Club Trips based at the lodge, the chief guide will have made provisional reservations when the trip schedule was finalised. Trip costs are shown on your trip sheet or can be confirmed by the Assistant Chief Guide.

At the payment deadline, 2 Wednesdays before your trip, confirm your trip numbers with the Lodge Bookings Officer.  Provide the lodge bookings officer the names, email addresses, phone numbers and member/non-member status for each of your punters who have paid, as well as confirming your arrival and departure dates.

Any punter who signs up and pays after the payment deadline will need to book on a first come first served basis.

The lodge is strictly limited to 32 people. If you require additional accommodation, please contact the Bookings Officer to discuss your needs – there may be space in neighbouring lodges.

When you email your punters, please ask them to take a look at to understand what staying at the lodge is like.  Remind them to pack a pillowcase and be ready to help with cooking and cleaning.

In winter your booking will include breakfast, lunch and dinner; in summer only tea and coffee are provided but the Lodge Bookings Officer can arrange catering for you if you prefer.

A few days before your trip, the Lodge Bookings Officer will provide you and your punters a bunk allocation list and the name of the Lodge Leader for the weekend.  You’ll likely be sharing the lodge with others who have booked in separately.



Food Recipes

Lodge cookbook: for suggested recipes and ideas.
